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He was great and let me put my emotions and loud views onto paper.  Walked me through every step.

Daisy, Maid of Honour



We want your experience with Life is a Speech to be as enjoyable and easy as possible. To make things clear and user-friendly, we have listed the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below.


Have a look at our FAQs below, watch the video and get in touch if you need any additional information at


How do I get a speech?


It's really simple:


  • Choose what type of speech you require here.

  • Select the type of package from the four packages - standard, premium, elite and bespoke.

  • On the next page, fill in some set questions which bring stories to life for me.  The questions just prompt you for the basics i.e. names and dates along with peppering some memories that I will craft into the speech.

  • Simply pay for it via our secure system.

  • I will deliver the speech in the agreed timeline and you'll deliver a great speech.


Tip: If you need more clarity on a speech or have any questions then please just reach out to us.


What do I need to do?


Simply fill in some questions and I’ll take that and work my magic.



Why would I pay for a speech?


When I tell people that I enable individuals to be the best possible for you on the biggest day of someone's life.   They realise the importance.  When I tell them I craft wedding speeches for people, some don't really "get it"


"Shouldn't they be your words?", "What would someone say?" and "Don't you want to do it?".


But the stories and sentiment are yours, it’s still you, just a more articulate and confident you.


There are two main points to this: Experience and Time.


The stories, words, and memories are your experiences.  You're sharing them with me and I'm crafting, coaching, and enabling you to get those from pen to paper in a structured and empowered way.  


You've probably seen non-coherent ramblings, egotistic in-jokes, and drunk utterings - as you realise I don't want that to be me.  So you're good at what you do and I'm good at what I do - which is speech writing.


As for time, we're all busy and you trying to get your thoughts onto paper can take days and weeks of prostration.  Let me take that hassle and give the one thing that you can't normally buy - time! 

Be remembered for the right reasons. 


Why should I hire you?


If you want someone with years of experience who’s written hundred’s of speeches for all types of weddings, then you’ve come to the right place.


What sort of people hire you?


I’ve worked with all kinds of people, including CEOs, lawyers and professional athletes, but mostly my clients are everyday people who want to give a great speech and don't feel they can write it themselves. Everyone needs help finding the right words sometimes, and that’s where I come in.


How much does it cost?


Our prices vary depending on what package you’d like but go to the website for more.


How do I pay?


It’s easy and stress-free and you pay online.


Do you write speeches globally?


Yes.  I’ve written speeches for individuals in 30 other countries. So whether you are in the UK, US, Europe or elsewhere – it’s all good.


How long do you need?


I can turn around an expedited speech within 24 hours.  Normally 5 days but as I said, if we work together I can fit you in quite quickly.


What if I need to speak to you?


That’s fine you can just reach out on email or leave me a message.


How’s the video and coaching work?


If you’ve chosen it, I can provide a few things for you.


  • A video call via FaceTime, WhatsApp or Zoom so we can ensure all your points are captured.

  • Record a video after I’ve delivered the speech to guide you through it and provide some tips and hints.

  • WhatsApp chats and conversations from placing the speech all the way up until the wedding day.

  • If you like I can meet you face to face.

  • For one of those all-out weddings, I can even attend the wedding in person to give that 1-2-1 coaching.






















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